

eMediNexus    30 July 2021

Microdermabrasion (MDA), a minimally invasive epidermal resurfacing procedure, is employed to treat uneven skin tone/texture, photoaging, striae, melasma, and scars, including acne scars. It is widely performed within the united states as one of the foremost common nonsurgical cosmetic procedures.

MDA sees its introduction in 1985 by Marini and Lo Brutto as a less aggressive alternative to chemical peels and dermabrasion. Its additional advantage is that it may be performed within the outpatient setting (medical office, medical spa) by a trained clinician, aesthetician, medical assistant, or nurse without the employment of anesthesia.

The procedure utilizes the delivery of abrasive crystals, propelled against the skin under the control of a handheld vacuum system. These crystals cause gentle mechanical abrasion to the skin, ultimately removing the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis. In the resulting wound healing process, new epidermis forms within the place with enhanced cosmesis.

This technique is rendered to be safe for all Fitzpatrick skin types and also the complications are minimal. With the cosmetic and aesthetic benefits of MDA, studies have proved improved skin permeability, and enhanced delivery of transdermal medications, by allowing the drug to diffuse more freely within the viable epidermis, on a vicinity of the skin treated with MDA.

MDA is understood to supply evened skin tone, bright complexion, reduced appearance of dark spots, and wrinkles, with cleaned-out pores and improved smoothness of the skin. Its theoretical benefits includes improved transdermal insulin delivery, transdermal vitamin c delivery, transdermal lidocaine delivery, and transdermal 5-fluorouracil delivery.

Source: Shah M, Crane JS. Microdermabrasion. 2021 Jul 18. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan–. PMID: 30571004.

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